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Prepare for Labor with Pregnancy Tea

Nine months of blind commitment, to fear, joy, nausea, and ultimately—to life. Pregnancy can stir up a full spectrum of emotions, but it culminates into one of the most beautiful...

Support Liver & Kidneys with Dandelion Leaf & Root Tea

One of the best parts of being an herb nerd is the ability to delight in plants that most people overlook. One person’s weed is another person’s wonder-herb—just ask the...

Simple & Soothing Herbal Bath Soak Recipes

When building your herbal apothecary, many people do not consider adding classic beauty products like floral toners, infused oils, bath salts, or luxurious lotions –but beauty care is an integral...

Lavender 101

Lavender’s sweet, floral and slightly herbaceous aroma is unmistakable. If you don’t already have this beautiful perennial shrub planted in your garden, chances are you still have the herb hidden...

Herbal Boosts for Your Juice

Have you ever cracked open a fresh aloe plant and watched it ooze a clear, sticky gel? This is one of the earth’s natural juices that can be scraped from...

Jumpstart Your Digestion with Ginger Aid

In the realm of everyday aches and pains, there is little as uncomfortable as an upset stomach. Whether you’re feeling green around the gills on a winding road trip or...

Herbs on a Budget: How to Grow from Cuttings

In the spring, our California hillsides are blanketed with an abundance of medicinal plants, like milky oats and California poppy and wildflowers such as blue lupine and coreopsis. These blooming...

Astragalus Miso Immunity Soup

To maintain wellness during the change of seasons, we herbalists eat whole foods and use herbs to promote a healthy immune system.* We love using our Echinacea Plus® tea, as...

Sweetening the Deal: The Impact of Responsibly Sourced Licorice

When most people think of licorice, the twisted and spiraled black confections from penny candy stores come to mind. Given that glycyrrhizin, licorice’s major constituent, is one of nature’s sweetest...

Spring Has Sprung: Celebrating the Vernal Equinox

Since the dawn of time, spring has ushered in a time of renewal and rebirth. With more hours of sunshine and flowers in bloom, it stands to reason that the...

Licorice 101

Have you ever noticed that some people love licorice candy, while others can’t stand it? Some may say this is due to the natural sweetness of licorice root, while others...

Our Best Stress Relieving Tea

Does it feel like the world is spinning faster? It’s not, but we can relate. This modern age requires a lot from all of us, and it can be overwhelming....

Lover's Truffles & Herbs for the Heart Space

Just when you thought the holidays were over, along comes Valentine’s Day. While it may seem like just another commercial holiday, Valentine’s Day is an important reminder to send love...

An Herbalist Library: Historical References

Our ancestors cultivated a deep, rooted relationship with plants; they harvested plants in ceremony, made herbal medicines with intention, and passed along traditional plant knowledge to help future generations maintain...

Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Panda Bears & Wild Schisandra Berries

At Traditional Medicinals, sustainable sourcing serves as the heart of our ethos. Not only do we seek out organically farmed or wild-collected herbs, but we also consider the long-term impact...

Printable Plant Symbolism Cards

Plants offer countless ways to support us through all kinds of changes, whether it’s a brand new stage of life or even just a seasonal change. Change offers us opportunities...

DIY Ginger Cinnamon Elderberry Syrup

The elder tree is known to many herbalists as a sacred tree. While we’re sure it has its own stories to tell, there’s already an abundance of recorded folklore. In...

Our Best Tea for Respiratory Support

All of us are susceptible to winter time woes, no matter how healthy we are. With all the extra hours of darkness, cold winds and stuffy rooms, it’s no wonder...

3 Throat Soothing Teas You Need

Emanating from deep within our being, our voice is a powerful tool of strength and expression. With it we can set free our innermost emotions as we sing wildly towards...

Beet Root Lip and Cheek Stain

One of the biggest challenges going natural is finding clean, plant-based and ethical beauty care products that work! Your lips and skin might be feeling dry and chapped this season,...

Herbal Thanksgiving

When we think of Thanksgiving, we think of a time when we fill our homes with friends, family, love and an abundance of food. In fact, many of us have...

A Peek Inside: Our Nighty Night Teas

The end of every day is the body’s chance to rest and nurture itself. And as 16th-century author Thomas Dekker writes, “Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and...

An Herbalist Library: The Basics

When you start on any new craft there are always go-to books. Beginner herbalists often find themselves curious about all the different ways to practice herbalism, or ways to just...

Herbal Hot Toddy

When we’re buried under our turtlenecks and warming our toes by the fire, our teas aren’t far from sight. We see the cold weather as nature’s cue to keep herbal...

Showing 121-144 of 171 items