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( Valerian )

3 Herbal Hacks for Mental Health

Big emotions are often natural reactions to very real challenges. Occasional stress, overwhelm and stretches of melancholy can feel scary. And yet, you’re not alone. We’ve all had seasons of...

Valerian 101

Valerian has a pretty regal ring to it, right? For thousands of years, emperors, saints, and everyday people were given this title as a nod to power. The word valerian...

Stock Your Winter Herbal Apothecary

Traditional herbalism is inextricably intertwined with the seasons. The shifting tides of hot to cold, harvest to hibernation, and light to dark guide us to the plants and healing protocols...

Best Herbs for Men

Have you ever noticed that most articles about men’s health seem to focus solely on men’s virility? In herbalism, we believe that a man’s health is much more comprehensive than...

Herbal Sleep Hygiene Rituals

A good night’s sleep is precious. It can put the bounce back in our step, a smile back on our face, and even restore us to health when we’ve been...

Herbs & The Nervous System

One of the most amazing aspects of herbalism is that it acknowledges healing as a holistic process, which helps mind, body, and spirit to move toward alignment. Herbalists and traditional...

A Peek Inside: Our Nighty Night Teas

The end of every day is the body’s chance to rest and nurture itself. And as 16th-century author Thomas Dekker writes, “Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and...

Best Teas for Relaxation and Stress Relief

Nature has this seemingly magical ability to make us feel relaxed and at ease. Whether it’s a long camping trip in the woods or just a brisk walk down the...

Showing 1-8 of 8 items