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( Winter )

After-Meal Drinks for Holiday Digestion

It’s the time of year when many of the simple joys of life become the heart and center of this season – spending time with family and friends, the coziness...

Introducing Immune Zoom Lemon Ginger

Life can be busy, and while we try to stay prepared, sometimes we need extra support. This is when we turn to herbal allies that boost our immune system when...

What's Your Herbal Love Language?

We all show up differently in our relationships, whether it be romantic partnerships, friendships, family ties – or even in the relationship we have with ourselves. Part of the sweetness...

Herbal Rituals for Respiratory Support

At every moment in our lives, our lungs are constantly working; carefully transporting oxygen into the bloodstream and transferring carbon dioxide out. Responsible for the breath that carries us through...

Chamomile Lavender Honey Latte

Chamomile and lavender join forces in this warm and soothing herbal latte recipe. With the addition of coconut milk, honey and vanilla, it makes the perfect treat to relax and...

Stock Your Winter Herbal Apothecary

Traditional herbalism is inextricably intertwined with the seasons. The shifting tides of hot to cold, harvest to hibernation, and light to dark guide us to the plants and healing protocols...

Herbal Cup of Soups

When the chill of fall and winter starts to set in, there’s nothing like a cup of soup. Soup is warming, grounding and as an ancient healing tradition, it is...

3 New Lozenges for Sore Throats

As the seasons’ change settles in, we start to think about how to stock up the home medicine cabinet for the winter ahead. As options for wellness complement and expand...

Herbs & The Immune System

Being in good health is all about immunity, a body system that is working constantly to maintain our well-being. As we interact with our environment, literally ingesting it with every...

Herbal Traditions: Evergreens & the Winter Solstice

The holiday season is upon us. As we decorate, plan our meals, and choose gifts, the remnants of ancient traditions still linger in many of our celebrations. The Winter Solstice...

5 Herbal Holiday Recipes

The holidays are steeped in tradition. Many of our favorite holiday recipes feature the taste of herbs and spices with traditions of medicinal use, from warming ginger and cinnamon to...

Eucalyptus 101

The sweet, pine-like aroma of blue gum eucalyptus trees has become a defining smell of the California coastline. It reminds us of a carefree drive along Sonoma County country roads,...

Peek Inside Reishi with Rooibos & Orange Peel

For centuries, cultures around the world have revered mushrooms in spiritual ceremonies, as a staple food, and as powerful sources of herbal medicine. With over 1.5 million species identified, only...

Reishi 101

Revered for centuries by emperors and poets, healers and sages, reishi is much more than a medicinal mushroom – it is a fungi of divine proportions. Native to tropical and...

Pumpkin Spice Dandelion Chai

From an herbalist’s standpoint, each season is tied to an element or quality within nature. Fall signifies both the end and beginning of a cycle. The end of summer, a...

Female Trailblazers of American Herbalism

Using plants for medicinal purposes is one of the oldest forms of healthcare on the planet. Practiced around the world, throughout thousands of years of human history, herbalism today is...

For the Love of Pandas: Setting New Standards in Sustainability

In October of 2018, Traditional Medicinals (TM) was honored by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF-China) and the Chinese government for helping to establish standards for the world’s first...

Best Teas for Detox Support

While “detoxing” may appear to be a modern-day reaction to what seems like an increasingly toxic world, the truth is detoxification has been integral to ancient herbal traditions for centuries....

4 Steps to Thrive with Herbs this Winter

Winter is upon us. With its chilly weather and lengthened nights, we are drawn towards warmth and hibernation. Yet, our modern lives beckon us outwards, exposing us to the vulnerabilities...

Herbal Holiday Beverages

As herbalists, we’re always looking for ways to compound our herbal medicine at home. That means whether we’re making food or body care products, we’re on the lookout for opportunities...

Planting a Medicinal Herb Garden

Like meditation or yoga, gardening is an age-old practice that engages the body, stimulates the mind, and uplifts the spirit. A recent scientific analysis reported that gardening reduces stress and...

The Power of Smell & Taste

There’s something telling about the adages, “the nose knows,” and “it’s a matter of taste.” Of all the senses of the human body, smell and taste are arguably our most...

Protecting People & Plants in Poland

On the border between Poland and Belarus, the Bialowieza Forest remains the Europe’s largest and last primeval forest—a Garden of Eden of old-growth trees that have been largely protected for...

Elder 101

Elder is one of the most accessible plants in herbalism. Hailed as “The medicine chest of the country people,” by ancient physicians and botanists, elder flower and its berries are...

Showing 1-24 of 58 items