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( Spring )

Planting a Medicinal Herb Garden

Like meditation or yoga, gardening is an age-old practice that engages the body, stimulates the mind, and uplifts the spirit. A recent scientific analysis reported that gardening reduces stress and...

Dandelion 101

Dandelion is undeniably the unsung hero of the plant world. Often overlooked or dismissed as a weed, the sunny dandelion manages to rise above stereotypes to be one of the...

Tulsi 101

Tulsi may be a new herb to many in North America, but in its native India, this medicinal plant has been a household name for over 5,000 years. As a...

Spring Green Goddess Dressing

We don’t know about you, but for us, it seems like everything lately is go-go-go, leaving little to no time to create things from scratch or engage in much-needed self-care....

Spring Tonic Teas

The first spring herbs shooting out of the ground are nature’s way of telling us it’s time to wake our bodies up from winter’s slumber. While many of us relish...

Cleavers 101

Looking at the dainty leaves and the inconspicuous flowers of cleavers, you’d be hard-pressed to guess just how scrappy these pretty little herbal powerhouses really are. Due to their ability...

Herbal Practices for Spring

At the end of winter here in California, the countryside is covered with fresh, medicinal herbs like cleavers, chickweed, dandelion, nettles and an array of other edible spring greens—a gift...

Sip the Benefits of Rose Hips tea

Roses are among the world’s most iconic flowers. Rich in symbolism, the rose has come to represent a myriad of contradictory symbols throughout history, from purity and sin to life...

Turmeric Tonic Mockarita

Switch up your cocktail hour with a botanical mocktail! This sweet & tangy non-alcoholic margarita recipe, featuring the herbal powers of our Turmeric with Meadowsweet & Ginger tea, is so...

Get Active with Turmeric, Meadowsweet & Ginger

For years, we’ve wanted to create a tea that addresses inflammation associated with an active lifestyle. As far as we’re concerned, inflammation often gets a bad rap. And what a...

An Herbalist Library: Identifying Wild Medicinals

All plant lovers know that there’s no such thing as a short hike. With every tree, leaf, and flower to admire and identify, the shortest of distances can take hours....

Ginger + Hibiscus Watermelon Pops

During the warm days of summer, we like to indulge in herbal popsicles. Making your own popsicles provides instant refreshment, while also fortifying you with a little plant power. When...

Support Liver & Kidneys with Dandelion Leaf & Root Tea

One of the best parts of being an herb nerd is the ability to delight in plants that most people overlook. One person’s weed is another person’s wonder-herb—just ask the...

Herbal Boosts for Your Juice

Have you ever cracked open a fresh aloe plant and watched it ooze a clear, sticky gel? This is one of the earth’s natural juices that can be scraped from...

Herbs on a Budget: How to Grow from Cuttings

In the spring, our California hillsides are blanketed with an abundance of medicinal plants, like milky oats and California poppy and wildflowers such as blue lupine and coreopsis. These blooming...

Spring Has Sprung: Celebrating the Vernal Equinox

Since the dawn of time, spring has ushered in a time of renewal and rebirth. With more hours of sunshine and flowers in bloom, it stands to reason that the...

Licorice 101

Have you ever noticed that some people love licorice candy, while others can’t stand it? Some may say this is due to the natural sweetness of licorice root, while others...

Peppermint Rose Water Mist

Lately the thermometer seems to be creeping up and up. Iced tea is being gulped down like water and summer tunes are in constant rotation. With things heating up, we...

Lavender Calendula Coconut Salve

One of the first things most herbalists learn how to make is a salve. Salves are semi-solid ointments infused with herbs that are traditionally used to nourish dry skin and...

8 Ways to Feel Closer to the Earth

This time of year the California hills are covered with lupine and poppies, and our gardens are rich with nettles, cleavers and nourishing spring greens. We’ve been making lots of...

Tincture 101

Have you ever roamed the supplement aisles and wondered if you could create your own herbal apothecary? Well, you can! There are many ways to create effective products right from...

Nettle 101

Don’t let nettle’s feisty sting scare you! Nettle, or Urtica dioica, has been used for over 2,000 years as a powerful spring tonic, to promote joint health and overall wellness....

DIY Surface Spray

When we keep a clean space, life just feels better. With spring approaching, many of us will be dedicating time to clear out stagnant spaces. Whether your goal is to...

3 Detox Teas for EveryDay Wellness

We have all heard the “new year, new you” mantra, advocating that we empty our closets, create resolutions and detox our lives. Every checkout line magazine and wellness center across...

Showing 25-48 of 50 items