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( Lavender )

Simple & Soothing Herbal Bath Soak Recipes

When building your herbal apothecary, many people do not consider adding classic beauty products like floral toners, infused oils, bath salts, or luxurious lotions –but beauty care is an integral...

Lavender 101

Lavender’s sweet, floral and slightly herbaceous aroma is unmistakable. If you don’t already have this beautiful perennial shrub planted in your garden, chances are you still have the herb hidden...

Chamomile + Lavender Infused Honey

For thousands of years honey has been used as food, medicine and a vehicle to deliver herbs. Based on an ancient cave painting discovered in Spain, honey harvesting goes back...

Peppermint Rose Water Mist

Lately the thermometer seems to be creeping up and up. Iced tea is being gulped down like water and summer tunes are in constant rotation. With things heating up, we...

Find Peace with Chamomile & Lavender Tea

While making a cup of tea may sound like a small task, rituals like these can crescendo into a major lifestyle change. Taking the time to break for tea each...

Lavender Calendula Coconut Salve

One of the first things most herbalists learn how to make is a salve. Salves are semi-solid ointments infused with herbs that are traditionally used to nourish dry skin and...

DIY Surface Spray

When we keep a clean space, life just feels better. With spring approaching, many of us will be dedicating time to clear out stagnant spaces. Whether your goal is to...

Best Teas for Relaxation and Stress Relief

Nature has this seemingly magical ability to make us feel relaxed and at ease. Whether it’s a long camping trip in the woods or just a brisk walk down the...

DIY Lemon Rosemary Scrub

During the winter season, we often find ourselves trying to buy the perfect gifts for friends and family. This is when we remind ourselves that sometimes the best gifts aren’t...

DIY Hand Cleanser

We love this time of year – the golden slant of autumn sunlight, the crispness in the air, the natural cycles we see in the harvest, the turning foliage, the...

Showing 25-34 of 34 items