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( DIY )

Chamomile + Lavender Infused Honey

For thousands of years honey has been used as food, medicine and a vehicle to deliver herbs. Based on an ancient cave painting discovered in Spain, honey harvesting goes back...

Peppermint Rose Water Mist

Lately the thermometer seems to be creeping up and up. Iced tea is being gulped down like water and summer tunes are in constant rotation. With things heating up, we...

Connecting Children with Nature

We love seeing a child’s eyes light up with a sense of wonder. It’s there when they find a strange bug in the garden or learn how to climb a...

Lavender Calendula Coconut Salve

One of the first things most herbalists learn how to make is a salve. Salves are semi-solid ointments infused with herbs that are traditionally used to nourish dry skin and...

8 Ways to Feel Closer to the Earth

This time of year the California hills are covered with lupine and poppies, and our gardens are rich with nettles, cleavers and nourishing spring greens. We’ve been making lots of...

Tincture 101

Have you ever roamed the supplement aisles and wondered if you could create your own herbal apothecary? Well, you can! There are many ways to create effective products right from...

DIY Surface Spray

When we keep a clean space, life just feels better. With spring approaching, many of us will be dedicating time to clear out stagnant spaces. Whether your goal is to...

Bringing the Green Inside: Windowsill Gardens

With many gardens dormant during winter, it’s a great time to bring the green inside. Windowsill gardens lift the spirits and bring light into our lives even on the darkest...

Homemade Citrus Spiced Dandelion Bitters

Bitters aren’t just for fancy cocktails. They’re also an incredible digestive aid perfect for the holiday season.* We too enjoy mulled wines, grandma’s cinnamon raisin bread and those amazing miniature...

DIY Lemon Rosemary Scrub

During the winter season, we often find ourselves trying to buy the perfect gifts for friends and family. This is when we remind ourselves that sometimes the best gifts aren’t...

DIY Hand Cleanser

We love this time of year – the golden slant of autumn sunlight, the crispness in the air, the natural cycles we see in the harvest, the turning foliage, the...

Showing 49-59 of 59 items