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( Fall )

Stress Ease Hot Cocoa

In our modern age, the hustle and bustle of daily life can cause undo pressure. Pile on a little winter cabin fever, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for stress,...

Turmeric Tonic Mockarita

Switch up your cocktail hour with a botanical mocktail! This sweet & tangy non-alcoholic margarita recipe, featuring the herbal powers of our Turmeric with Meadowsweet & Ginger tea, is so...

Spiced Ginger Mulled Wine

In Europe, a simmering pot of mulled wine is about as common as a cup of coffee around the holidays. Christmas markets are a staple in Germany; the streets are...

Tulsi & Ginger Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic

While many of us see vinegar as a simple condiment or an ingredient in pickling, it’s actually a 10,000-year-old remedy that’s heightened when combined with medicinal herbs. Medicated vinegar, technically...

Tulsi with Ginger Tea for Stress Support

Tulsi is a beloved herb of South Asia, celebrated by Ayurvedic healers for over 5,000 years for its all-encompassing, everyday health-promoting properties and is revered by Hindus as a sacred...

Herbs & The Digestive System

Healing starts with the gut. That’s what our herbalists will tell you. A healthy digestive system supports our mental and emotional well-being, while also processing nutrients and delivering them through...

Beyond Tea Bags: A Social Business Alliance

Tea bags may come in all shapes and sizes, but not all are created equal. Tea bags may come in all shapes and sizes, but not all are created equal....

What's in Your Cup?

We wouldn’t make a tea we wouldn’t want to drink ourselves. Consider your tea drinking experience for a minute. When you steep your tea, you’re probably expecting to taste it...

Skullcap 101

With a ghoulish name like skullcap, an herb could easily get a bad reputation. Fortunately, this plant’s popularity as an herbal medicine has grown over the last few centuries. In...

Plant People: Ann Armbrecht of The Sustainable Herbs Project

As our world is rapidly changing, many are reawakening to the ancient wisdom of plants. Just a few decades ago, some considered Western herbalism to be on the brink of...

An Herbalist Library: Identifying Wild Medicinals

All plant lovers know that there’s no such thing as a short hike. With every tree, leaf, and flower to admire and identify, the shortest of distances can take hours....

Astragalus Miso Immunity Soup

To maintain wellness during the change of seasons, we herbalists eat whole foods and use herbs to promote a healthy immune system.* We love using our Echinacea Plus® tea, as...

DIY Ginger Cinnamon Elderberry Syrup

The elder tree is known to many herbalists as a sacred tree. While we’re sure it has its own stories to tell, there’s already an abundance of recorded folklore. In...

Our Best Tea for Respiratory Support

All of us are susceptible to winter time woes, no matter how healthy we are. With all the extra hours of darkness, cold winds and stuffy rooms, it’s no wonder...

3 Throat Soothing Teas You Need

Emanating from deep within our being, our voice is a powerful tool of strength and expression. With it we can set free our innermost emotions as we sing wildly towards...

Beet Root Lip and Cheek Stain

One of the biggest challenges going natural is finding clean, plant-based and ethical beauty care products that work! Your lips and skin might be feeling dry and chapped this season,...

Herbal Thanksgiving

When we think of Thanksgiving, we think of a time when we fill our homes with friends, family, love and an abundance of food. In fact, many of us have...

A Peek Inside: Our Nighty Night Teas

The end of every day is the body’s chance to rest and nurture itself. And as 16th-century author Thomas Dekker writes, “Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and...

An Herbalist Library: The Basics

When you start on any new craft there are always go-to books. Beginner herbalists often find themselves curious about all the different ways to practice herbalism, or ways to just...

Herbal Hot Toddy

When we’re buried under our turtlenecks and warming our toes by the fire, our teas aren’t far from sight. We see the cold weather as nature’s cue to keep herbal...

Chamomile + Lavender Infused Honey

For thousands of years honey has been used as food, medicine and a vehicle to deliver herbs. Based on an ancient cave painting discovered in Spain, honey harvesting goes back...

Best Teas for Relaxation and Stress Relief

Nature has this seemingly magical ability to make us feel relaxed and at ease. Whether it’s a long camping trip in the woods or just a brisk walk down the...

Bringing the Green Inside: Windowsill Gardens

With many gardens dormant during winter, it’s a great time to bring the green inside. Windowsill gardens lift the spirits and bring light into our lives even on the darkest...

40 Years of Changing Business for Good

    “When I strapped the young company into my Volkswagen van to sell those first bags of tea I never dreamed we would produce and sell a half billion...

Showing 25-48 of 53 items