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Homemade Citrus Spiced Dandelion Bitters

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Homemade Citrus Spiced Dandelion Bitters
Updated on December 6, 2014

Bitters aren’t just for fancy cocktails. They’re also an incredible digestive aid perfect for the holiday season.* We too enjoy mulled wines, grandma’s cinnamon raisin bread and those amazing miniature hors d’oeuvres (that we ate a dozen of) at last week’s holiday party. But sometimes, our bodies have trouble processing all these bizarre combinations of foods. It’s at these times we turn to our bitter allies, like our lovely Citrus Spiced Dandelion Bitters.

Traditionally, all cultures enjoyed bitter foods during their mealtime rituals. Many of these bitter plants were collected from the wild or found in the garden, but farming has actually changed the taste of many of our bitter greens. Our cultivated vegetables have been bred to appeal to our preference for sweet foods, and the consequence is we’re now missing out on the incredible wellness benefits of these bitter plant allies. The bitter taste actually activates the liver and digestive juices to prepare the body to effectively process foods, which is especially helpful when digesting all the rich and fatty foods that we tend to enjoy more of during the holiday season.*

In Western Herbalism, we often create bitters as tinctures, which make it easy to incorporate bitters on the go. Tinctures are plant extracts (usually alcohol based) that can easily be taken from a dosage bottle. Taking bitters can be helpful anytime, but we suggest a teaspoon about 30 minutes before eating to give the plants enough time to activate our bodies’ natural digestive processes.

In this tincture, we have chosen to include herbs that are simple to find in the produce section, spice aisle or perhaps growing in your front yard! One of our favorite ingredients here is dandelion, and while some might consider this plant a pesky weed, the dandelion is incredibly supportive of both our digestive system and our bodies’ natural detoxification process by helping the body break down fats and carry away waste.* If you can’t find any fresh dandelion root, we would suggest using our organic Dandelion Leaf and Root Tea for this recipe.

When you taste your homemade bitters, you’ll notice a rich orange flavor, followed by cinnamony spice and a mild touch of bitter at the end.

prepping for bitters
pouring oil into jar

Place all herbs into a mason jar, and fill to the top of the jar.

jar close up

Label your jar with the name, plants used, alcohol used and alcohol strength. Include the date on the label.

draining oil

Shake daily for two weeks, and then strain out the herbs with muslin or cheese cloth. Be sure to squeeze out any remaining liquid from the herbs.

finished herb bitters in droppers

You should have enough extract to fill about six (or more) one ounce dropper bottles.

You can save all this plant power for yourself, or share the bounty as gifts with friends and families. We would like to add that we would not recommend using bitters if you have kidney stones, gallbladder disease, acid reflux, hiatal hernia, gastritis, peptic ulcers, severe menstrual cramping, or if you are pregnant.

To find more plant-based gifts for the holidays, be sure to check out our article DIY Lemon Rosemary Scrub.

Homemade Citrus Spiced Dandelion Bitters

Serving Size: One 1 oz bottle contains about 7 tsps. Serving size = 1 tsp 30 mins before a meal.



  • 12 oz Mason jar
  • 6-8 amber dropper bottles (1 oz)



  • 1 cup white rum
  • 4 tsp of fresh orange peel
  • 2 tbs dried dandelion root and leaf (or 6 tbs fresh, chopped finely)
  • 2 tsp fresh ginger
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • 6 cardamom pods

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