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Herbal Tips for After-Sun Skin Care

3 Min Read
Chamomile with Lavender After Sun Spray in glass bottles surrounded by fresh herbs
Updated on July 16, 2020

As plant lovers, the peak days of summer are what dreams are made of. We wait all year for this season of abundance when the plants we love are blooming, and we spend as many waking moments as we can outdoors. These balmy sun-filled days invite spontaneity, and with the bustle of summer, it’s easy to overlook one of the most essential self-care habits: caring for our skin.

The skin is the largest organ of the body, waterproof yet permeable, protective yet sensitive, and best described as the outer expression of our inner health. But it has its limits, and after a day spent in the sun, it is due for some much-needed care.


Here are some of our herbalists’ favorite tips for after-sun skin care:

While these tips are supportive and nourishing, they do not replace sunscreen use in an everyday summer skincare regime.

Externally we can do a lot to cool, calm and nourish.

  • Step 1 – COOL DOWN: After sun exposure, cool down with a cold shower or bath, or take it to the next level with a Cold Herbal Compress. Whether you’re trying to cool yourself down during a heatwave or take the heat out of the skin after a day at the beach, cold herbal compresses are simple herbal remedies. Soothing and revitalizing, they are a fast way to give your body the tender loving care it needs to take a break, cool down, and put the glow back into your skin.
  • Step 2 – OIL UP: Follow it up with a good nourishing herbal salve or skin oil. As the seasons progress, our skin often bears the brunt of everything we do. Herbal oils can deeply nourish and restore skin health with the power that the plants provide. This Spring Infused Oil was made to bottle the best of spring’s vibrant herbs for nutritive body care. You can also make a Lavender Calendula Salve to soothe parched and heated skin.
  • Step 3 – SPRAY OFTEN: After-sun sprays are great for topical use when your skin feels a bit heated throughout the day. As herbalists, we combine traditional ingredients like aloe vera and rosewater that provide moisture and relief to thirsty skin. Adding herbs like chamomile and lavender can be wonderful to soothe hot and agitated skin. Try out our recipe below for an herbal after-sun spray. For a cooling and uplifting experience, try our Peppermint Rosewater Mist recipe.
Chamomile with Lavender After Sun Spray

Set the foundation with internal support:

While topical treatments can provide in-the-moment relief and soothing support, we recommend setting the foundation from the inside out. When it comes to vibrant healthy skin, that means simple daily actions of staying hydrated and boosting your intake of skin-loving foods and herbs.

Herbal tea makes for a delightful and tasty way to get more water into you, and you can specifically select teas to support other health goals.

  • If you’re looking for a chilled glass of iced tea to cool off as the heat starts kicking in, check out some of our favorite teas on ice.
  • If skin support is what you’re specifically after, take a look at our list of Best Teas for Skin Health. Red Clover and Spearmint are two of our favorites from that list.
  • On hot summer days, Hibiscus is great to support circulation and is a pleasant cooldown when you’re feeling the heat of those summer days.*
  • To help you physically and energetically relax into summer, we enjoy Chamomile with Lavender or any of our Stress Relief teas.*

Find more creative ways to get the benefits of herbs in through some of our favorite herbal lemonade recipes or this Watermelon Hibiscus Daiquiri. They make summer self care delicious and easy!

Chamomile Lavender After Sun Spray

Serving Size: Makes 4 oz


  • 2 2-oz spray bottles
  • 2 small labels
  • Liquid measuring cup
  • Funnel


  • 2 Traditional Medicinals Chamomile with Lavender tea bags
  • 1 oz rosewater
  • 1 oz good quality aloe vera
  • 10 drops lavender oil and geranium


  1. Make a tea concentrate: Boil ½ cup water and pour over two tea bags in a small heat-resistant bowl. Infuse for 10 minutes and let cool. Then squeeze out any excess tea and discard the tea bags.
  2. Combine 2 ounces of tea concentrate with the remaining ingredients in a jar and shake vigorously. Bottle your mixture into two separate 2 oz bottles with a mister.
  3. Label bottle with Chamomile Lavender After-Sun Spray and the date of your creation.
  4. Apply liberally to the skin after exposure to the sun (avoid eyes and sensitive areas), and reapply as needed.

This will keep refrigerated for about two weeks. There may be some separation of oil, but a simple shake before applying will keep everything emulsified.

This blend of nourishing ingredients can also be used as a compress if you don’t have a spray bottle.

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